Sunday, April 27, 2014

Death Valley

One destination that's sure to draw your attention is the desolate landscape of Death Valley.

A look at the Badwater Basin salt flats.
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This strip of dry land is located in the western hemisphere of the United States, mostly in California and stretching partly into Nevada. With ancient lakes, trippy landscapes and creepy ghost towns, this landscape is a beautiful piece of history full of breathtaking views.

The name Death Valley originates from a group of pioneers that became lost in the valley during the winter of 1749-1750. Thinking this would become their place of rest, they gave it the title of Death Valley. The pioneers were later found and rescued by two of their fellow men.

The valley is a below sea level basin with it's lowest point reaching 282 feet. This area is known as Badwater Basin. The basin is a vast landscape of salt flats. Every so often, small lakes will form after a heavy rainfall.

A view from Dante's View.
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If time is limited, the most popular sites to visit are along the Badwater Road. One of the sites being the Devils Golfcourse, yet another salty sight. The course doesn't contain much of a green, nor any golf for that matter. Instead the course is a large area composed of rock salt.

A view from Zabriskie Point.
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Another famous destination in Death Valley is up the way from the Badwater Basin. Located atop of the Black Mountains, Dante's View is one of the most photogenic points in Death Valley overlooking the entire Badwater Basin.

But if your looking for the view of your life, head over to Zabriskie Point. A quick walk away from the parking lot, Zabriskie Point is part of the Amargosa Range of Death Valley. The point contains a great view of the badlands stretching towards furnace creek. This is a great hot spot for seeing the sunrise and sunset.

If you would like to know the solution to the mystery of
the "sailing stones", visit this link.
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Death Valley is full of marvelous views. But in addition to it's beauty, it is also full of mysteries. The mystery of the "sailing stones" has been one that has astounded scientists for generations. In the dry lake bed known as Racetrack Playa, heavy stones have been noticed to have trails following behind them, as if the rocks were dragged across the plain. Many ideas, such as aliens and magnetic fields, have been tossed around over the years as to why these rocks seemed to have slid across the desert floor.

Death Valley is definitely one of a kind and definitely something worth visiting. There are tons more attractions to do and see at this destination but in order to find out, you'll have to pay a visit to this eerie yet beautiful land.  Whether you have a couple days or a couple hours, your sure to have an adventurous time here.

Park Ranger Alan Van Valkenburg told Smithsonian, "The longer you stay out there, it just takes on this incredible sense of mystery."

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